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Oil for dry hair and regenerating mask



To start, it is better to choose simple and natural recipes that contain basic ingredients. The idea? Choose natural, basic foods that can be reused in many different recipes. So we use honey, aloe vera, shea butter, coconut, sweet almond oil, or powdered sugar. If cooking at home attracts many preconceived notions behind it, such as being an activity reserved and exclusively for culinary experts, our various recipes ensure the opposite.


care for dry hair

How to make a recipe from Hidden Beauty: Dry Hair Care

We love the sea and the sun. We felt, a little less! But don't worry, this is a homemade recipe for a hair treatment when you're back from the seaside.

Making your own dry shampoo is worth it for the savings. A large bottle of store-bought dry shampoo can cost $10 or more. Making your own will only set you back a few dollars, and sometimes only a few pennies.   You’ll need a few ingredients and a few minutes of your time.

When planning to make a recipe for dry Hair Care, you need to consider a few factors before you start. For example, what type of hairstyle do you want to achieve? Do you want to keep your hair dry or moisturized? In this article, I am going to show you how to make a recipe for dry Hair Care.

If you’ve ever needed to make a recipe for dry hair care, you know how frustrating it can be to find the right combination of ingredients. The goal is to make a powder that can absorb oil, so it can be used on its own or mixed with a carrier oil. The right combination of ingredients will allow the powder to absorb oil and reduce the amount that is required in the final product.

When it comes to hair care, people tend to focus on the shampoo and conditioner, but there’s so much more to a great hair care routine. Your hair is made up of strands that are in constant need of being nourished, so you need to make sure you’re feeding your hair the right things to keep it healthy and strong. One of the most important things you can do for your hair is to make sure you’re giving it enough moisture. The best way to do this is to use a conditioner, which will help to keep your strands soft and smooth without weighing them down.

The ingredients I need:

  • 1 half avocado
  • olive or argan oil
  • 1 half lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of beer

The preparation :

Mash half the avocado. Add olive or argan oil. Mix all the ingredients with half a lemon and a tablespoon of beer. Keep doing this until you get a smooth paste.

The exposure time:

Leave the treatment on your hair for 20 minutes (and wrap your hair in a warm towel to help the product penetrate into your hair).


Rinse with a neutral shampoo mixed with natural and soft lemon.


regenerating mask

Recipe by Hidden Beauty: regenerating face mask

The juicy red fruit has been in your fridge for a few days and you almost threw it away? Stop this mess! Instead, make it a rejuvenating mask, and your pretty face will definitely appreciate it.

To all the cells of your body, you can finally give your face and body care a boost. Even the largest databases on the planet are unable to provide you with enough information to advise you on the best way to lead a healthy life. As for your skin, you may be recommended to use a face mask at least once a day. A popular method of regenerating face masks is through the use of a face mask regenerating mask which contains regenerating components such as Korean Ginseng, Astragalus, and Nelumbo. Regenerating masks are a popular method because they are formula-based and are easy to use.

The ingredients I need:

  •  red fruits
  •  a yogurt
  •  culinary gelling agent (for a 100% natural version, agar-agar is perfect)

The preparation :

Mix soft, mixed red fruits with a culinary gelling agent. Filled with water, the latter acts to hydrate and make the lotion hard.

The exposure time:

Keep the application for 30 minutes.


To soften the mask, spread natural yogurt on your pretty face, then rinse with clean water. Once your skin is clean and smooth, you can massage it with rose water to get an analgesic and astringent effect.
